Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Message Through Time

By Steven Wade Veatch

Mammoths, sabertoothed cats, and cave bears
once ruled this place. When people first came,
they lived here in rock shelters, floored 
with packed dirt, below smoke-blackened ceilings.
On canyon walls—splashed with desert varnish—
they carved and pecked designs, symbols, 
people and animals: A message through time.

This site awakens my senses as my mind 
conjures vivid images of ancient people 
moving, swaying, dancing in the warm glow 
of a crackling campfire while casting shadows 
on the smooth canyon wall. 
They send a message through time.

I think about these ancient people 
who have faded into the dry desert air
and try to understand their
message through time.

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