Thursday, September 22, 2022

Not Even

On an Island in the Pacific, World War II

In the brittle hush of morning
sunlight touches a sailor
sitting on a beach.
His resolve unravels
as cresting waves hit the shore,
one after another—
He wonders how he got here,
and if he will ever go home.
Thoughts of his family—
now a long-ago shadow—
an ache past endurance.
Tomorrow he’ll help build a runway
in a tangle of trees and vines.
Today he must stay alive—
so much to know to survive.
Everywhere death whispers—
The jungle is his enemy.
Survival rules are firm:
Pigweed grows over water.
Dig down 5 to 10 inches.
Dip it out 4 times, then drink.
Rain collects in the bottom of bamboo.
Drink that. Survive.
Poisons are everywhere.
Eat anything a monkey or bird eats.
Juice from the Barrington fruit                                                  
Kills fish—a quick catch.
Not even the fish are safe.

First published in These Fought in Any Case: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories by Veterans, June 1, 2022.

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